We Survived! Now What?

January 7, 2013 in

I’ll admit it, I breathed a silly sigh of relief when I woke up (intact) December 22nd having called bluff on the Mayan calendar’s end of the world deadline. And about ½ a second later, I was on to my holiday to-do list and to life as usual. And now with the first week of 2013 under our belts, I (and several of my fellow-DEM’ers) are thinking not about how to handle an apocalypse, but what about those little emergencies—or even a big emergency—and what we’d like to have set in place should we be without everyday resources for a while.

So, here’s a survey of a few DEM’ers and what we are resolving to do in 2013 to make life a little easier if faced with an emergency:

Alicia Johnson, DEM Resilience and Recovery Manager; originally from the mountain west: Add my solar charger and sleeping bag to my work go-kit.

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Edie Schafer, DEM and NERT Planner: I resolve that I will fill out the FEMA Emergency Financial First Aid Kit (EFFAK), so I and my family can rest assured that we have taken the steps needed to be financially prepared in the event of a disaster. Join me!

Jim Turner, DEM Private Sector Liaison: In 2013, my wife and I have resolving to get our financial and personal papers in order. Part of that is to set aside those important records that we will need in the aftermath of an emergency, scan them, and keep copies in places where we can access them when needed. In fact, we have already started, but now we can’t find the desk in our home office thanks to all the boxes we took out of the closet and are now strewn about.

Kristin Hogan, DEM Strategic Communications Planner, east coast transplant; mother of 21 month old: In 2013, I’m building upon my family’s emergency preparedness my making sure I will have my morning coffee, so I’m getting a hand-cranked coffee grinder.

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We don’t have to be ready for the sky to fall to be prepared…but rather plan for what you’ll need to be resourceful and comfortable so you and yours can get back to normal…faster.

Check out 72hours.org to learn more and happy 2013 San Francisco!